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Games for Change Europe Awards


Deborah Game was one of the 9 shortlisted nominees in the Games for Change Europe Awards 2014, among 96 teams inscribed.




In 2015, the Accounting History course will be launched on Coursera. Deborah Game will be part of the course. It'll be taught by Professor Edgard Cornacchione (FEA-USP) and Professor Alan Sangster (Griffith University). Anyone interested in learning about Accounting can take the course. It's free of charge. 


You can subscribe for free here:

AAA - American Accounting Associaiton


On August 2nd and 3rd Deborah Game was presented on the Congress on Teaching and Learning in Accounting of AAA (American Accounting Associaiton) in Atlanta. 

The attendees could try some phases of Deborah Game, enjoyed it and gave us suggestions for future implementations.

G4C Latin America 2014


Deborah Game won the Pitching of Games for Change Latin America 2014, held at the university PUC-SP in December, 7th. Pitching is an oral defense to get investors to projects and digital programs.

More information (in Portuguese):

12th World Congress of Accounting Educators and Researchers 


In November, a scientific paper based on Florence phase of Deborah game was presented at the 12th World Congress of Accounting Educators and Researchers , organized by IAAER ( International Association for Accounting Education and Research).


Winner - Game of December


Deborah Game was elected the Game of December 2014 by Geração Gamer (G2) website, which is specialized in Brazilian independent games. Deborah got 325 votes out of 484.


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